Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) services are a set of end-to-end services where companies contract with external providers to design, build, install and operate an Internet of Things (IoT) solution. IoT, including IoT planning consulting. IoT service providers represent a variety of small, medium, and large service companies that build and deploy IoT solution applications across industries. This market targets medium and large service providers that support key vertical markets for IoT adoption such as manufacturing, healthcare, transportation and retail.

The market’s focus on IoT services is aligned with the design, manufacture and installation of IoT solutions and includes IoT planning services for IoT-enabled digital business environments.

Hashy Saty’s end-to-end IoT services help you achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by solving the challenges of integrating wearables, sensors, networks, cloud and applications without compromising security. With our specific knowledge and expertise in IoT technologies spanning firmware development, mobility, cloud computing and data analytics, we help you transform your business through informed decisions based on powerful data analytics.